Newborn Guide

Here are some tips & tricks for a successful newborn session!

  1. Keep baby awake for at least 1 hour prior to their newborn session. By giving baby a sponge bath, or sitting next to baby in the car; talking to baby and keeping their attention on you and not those sleepy zzzzz. We also ask that you feed baby a nice looonnnggg feeding before arriving if able as this helps get things rolling once you arrive.
  2. Expect baby to eat A LOT! Baby is used to just getting fed and passing out hard with no bother at all. During the newborn session we will be wrapping them and moving them until we get those cute poses in buckets, baskets, or anything else that baby fits in. Sometimes baby is also naked and a nice warm and full belly of milk does the trick. If breast feeding bring bottles with a few ounces of BM if possible. If formula fed bring all those necessities with you as well.
  3. If it's a longer car ride to the studio we ask you come a little early to feed baby upon arrival
  4. We will reach out to you prior to your session to ask what colors and props you like! We will try our absolute best to incorporate whatever needs and wants you may have for your newborn session experience. Baby might not like certain poses, positions, and or props, and we respect that. We take the safety of your baby very seriously. Upon your arrival, we will have props ready to go with incorporations of colors you picked or picked by myself, the photographer.

The biggest question asked, "What do we wear for family portraits?"

  • We recommend staying with solid colors such as neutral and earthy tones. Stay away from those crazy patterns and flannels. But, we also want you to wear the colors the represent you and your family well.

Working with siblings!

  1. Bribery! Yup. We believe in bribery for photography sessions. Bring their favorite treat or toy to give them an incentive to smile or snuggle their baby brother/sister to get that adorable image.
  2. Patience! This is the biggest one. Parents are already sleep deprived and an energetic toddler not obeying can be difficult at a photography session because moms and dads just want that beautiful photograph of their sweet babies together. Parents feel bad and think they are making the photographer wait to long in case their child is not cooperating. Please know….we get it! As a mom myself, I totally get it. We are happy to take a 5-10 minutes if needed to help children take a minute for a snack or drink and try again. We schedule our newborn sessions with lots of time to have delays for situations just like this. So when you are choosing a photographer, ask them about their policy on this. How much time do you have for the session and how they handle toddler siblings. We are happy to take a little extra time to try and get parents the most beautiful photograph possible of their babies.