High School Seniors

Senior Portrait Packages

Senior photos are the most fun and laid back sessions! Come join me and have a great time with a styled care-free senior session. All Senior packages start at $400 dollars. This includes 3 outfit changes, 2 locations, and 20 edited high resolution images.

Add on: Personalized Flash Drive. $60

Sports Bundle Add-on

Your senior year is going to be the most fun; of course you are going to want sports photos too! I seriously have you covered, don't worry! You can add-on a sports package for an additional $75, The session includes an online gallery and print release. You may also order prints through KOP for the best quality portrait experience. Ask about other fun photo options!

$50 extra for each additional sport. Please note that SPORTS add-on may take an additional day separate from senior portraits depending on how many sports senior is in.